Holidays after Divorce

Holidays after Divorce

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Holidays may be the most treasured memories from your childhood. They may have been special times in your marriage. After a divorce, they may be painful times especially if you are living alone or not with your children. Being alone during the holidays Try to accept the situation and make the best of it. Here […]

One of the most enjoyable aspects of being a divorce attorney is meeting and taking with new people who are considering a divorce. I love meeting with potential new clients because there is so much happening in their lives and they generally have

Learn About Your Rights and Options in a Divorce in a New Way:

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One of the most enjoyable aspects of being a divorce attorney is meeting and taking with new people who are considering a divorce. I love meeting with potential new clients because there is so much happening in their lives and they generally have a lot to say about themselves and their spouse and family. It is […]



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Structure as the key to discipline in your home   Structure comforts your child Structure should be age appropriate Be consistent If mature enough, involve them appropriately in creating structure The benefits of structure Having a good structure in your home can help head off a lot of disciplinary problems Your child craves structure no matter how […]

kid back and forth

Activities for Kids

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     Activities are important for your child’s development      Do not over schedule                                    Prioritize activities for your kid                                  Find cheaper activities if […]

Shared Parenting

Shared Parenting and Childcare

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Using professional childcare can actually help you with your shared parenting. They will be the voice of reason when emotions run highThey will be there to represent the  child’s best interest They will be there to represent the child’s best interestThey help with socialization, discipline and skill building.  They help with socialization, discipline and skill […]

It’s finally here! Gov. Patterson signed the no-fault divorce legislation package

New York No-Fault Divorce Law Signed by Gov. Patterson

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It’s finally here! Gov. Patterson signed the no-fault divorce legislation package yesterday, and annonced the signing today. New York now joins the other 49 states in providing for a no-fault divorce.  The new law lets a person divorce on the ground that their marriage has been irretrievably broken for 6 months. However, all issues regarding […]

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