Divorced in New York

Marriage and Divorce by the Numbers

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When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin declared their strangely termed “consciously uncoupling” last year, it was just the latest spark in the divorce conversation. When Bravo debuted its contribution to a reality show, “Untying the Knot,” an exec at the media network described it as a “way to look at a condition that half of […]

Social Media and Divorce

Social Media and Divorce

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Carmen, a 25-year old intern in New York, changed her Facebook status from “Committed” to “It’s Complicated”. Maybe she shouldn’t have done that.  Within moments, Justin, her newly minted ex, posted on her Facebook, “Bitch, it’s not complicated. I caught you screwing too many other guys.” Not everyone has been over-the-top in their status updates […]

Managing anger in divorce

The Secret to Letting Go of Anger After Divorce

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Let’s face it – anger and resentment (what I like to think of as silent anger) are natural parts of any divorce. You may feel anger over the past events of your marriage that may have led to the divorce.  You many feel anger over what is going on in your life now; how your […]

interesting attractive women

What Men Really Want In A Woman?

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So many women that I speak with feel confused when it comes to understanding what men really want in a relationship with a woman. Many of the women looking for relationships these days, have trouble understanding why a man won’t commit even after he’s been in relationship with you for quite some time. So, I […]

Kids of Divorce Less Likely To Care For Elderly Parents

Kids of Divorce Less Likely To Care For Elderly Parents

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A report in the September issue of Advances in Life Course Research finds that major events in a child’s life such as divorce, widowhood and remarriage affects their level of care provided to their parents later in life. Divorce predicted an adult child would be less involved with day-to-day assistance later in life for an […]

Divorce alcoholic husband

Tips to Divorce Alcoholic Husband

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Alcoholism is a growing problem in America. Over 14 million persons in the country, or one of every 13, are alcoholic. Nearly 50% of all grown-ups have a family history of alcoholism. According to the latest divorce statistics, divorced individuals are more likely to be alcoholics when compared to married couples. Alcohol is one of […]

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