Fighting for Visitation Rights

Has the mother or father of your children forbid you to see them? If so, you need to enlist an attorney to help you to get visitation rights. Whether you were married or not, you deserve to see your kids and if you are not allowed to, you have a right to do so. You may have to exert those rights via court, but your children need to know that you are there for them, even if you and their other parent do not get along. No one wants to go to court, but it may be necessary to be able to spend time with your children.
Your attorney will evaluate the situation and determine the best way to go about getting you visitation rights. If you were denied visitation due to mental instability or some type of addiction, but have gotten the help that you need, then it may be time to go back to court to see if you can get visitation rights. While it does not have to be done in courts, it may become necessary to do so if you and your partner or spouse cannot come to some sort of visitation agreement.
If you and your child’s other parent are not able to come to some sort of compromise, your attorney can compile a plan to get you visitation rights. The court will take the best interests of the child into consideration without judgment. While the other parent may be keeping your child from you because of past events, if the child is not in danger, the courts will most likely agree with you that you need to have some sort of visitation.The key is to consult your attorney to see what your rights are and then fight for them. Visitation rights can be restored or given if you are willing to take the time to try to come up with a compromise with the child’s other parent or, if necessary, fight for your child.