High Asset Divorce Attorney

Divorce Settlements NYD

Resolving Complex Divorces

For couples of high net worth, divorce is a very uncertain time, especially with regard to assets and debts. In order to achieve a fair property settlement, it is important to work with a lawyer who has experience handling large marital estates.

At Vangorodska Law firm in NYC, we are focused exclusively on family law in NYC, and our client base is made up largely of couples with significant asset bases. We understand and are equipped to handle even the most complex property division issues for our clients. In addition, we are able to create effective solutions to child support and alimony/spousal maintenance for couples whose assets are considerably higher than average.

To arrange a consultation with a skilled Vangorodska high asset divorce lawyer, please call 212.671.0936. You can also contact our law firm online.

Protecting the Marital Estate

For each spouse, there are likely to be important questions about how to maintain a comfortable lifestyle after divorce. As experienced Vangorodska attorneys, we understand that one of the primary objectives in high asset divorces is asset protection. Our goal is to preserve as much of the estate as possible so that you and your children can have a smooth transition.

With vast experience in the courts of NYC and all surrounding areas, we can help you understand your rights and obligations regarding:

  • Community property and separate property
  • Enforcing or challenging a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement
  • Valuation of professional practices and business assets
  • Division of retirement accounts, such as 401(k) accounts, IRAs and pensions
  • Dealing with hidden assets and marital fraud
  • Child support and spousal maintenance/alimony for affluent couples

In these cases, we are able to work with a team of respected advisors who can provide an accurate view of the financial implications of your divorce. This is part of the truly comprehensive service that we strive to provide to our clients.

Contact a Vangorodska Divorce Lawyer

To learn more about our approach to asset protection and divorce for couples of high net worth, schedule a confidential consultation at our firm. Call 212.671.0936. You can also contact our law office online.

We are available 24/7 Call Now (212) 671-0936