Based on statistical data, these are the most popular reasons why people seek divorce:
1. Financial – This is the most common cause of divorce. In many cases, couples fail to openly discuss financial situations before marriage such as debt, spending habits, income etc. This can often lead to one party assuming their partner is living within their means while the other thinks the partner is in deep financial trouble. There are also issues within couples about who the bread-earner would be or would the task be divided between the couple. In this day and age, men tend to believe that their wives will share the financial responsibilities but some women still hold the traditional concept and want their husband to be the breadwinner. These issues can cause a relationship to fall apart.
2. Infidelity – Many marriages fall apart due to infidelity. While some may survive a cheating occurrence in their marriage, in most cases infidelity can completely destroy the communication pathway between couples.
3. Sexual Dysfunction/Lack of Sexual Relationships: Despite claims that physical intimacy is not as important as emotional, spiritual or family intimacy, the reality is that sexual problems and lack of sexual intimacy in a marriage is also one of the major reasons for seeking divorce. Humans are biological animals and need physical intimacy. If this issue remains unresolved, it often leads to infidelity, marital dissatisfaction and tension between couples. In addition, if one partner is physically dysfunctional and cannot become sexually aroused or has any other sexual health problem, this can also lead to divorce.
4. Big Life Changes – There comes a time in everyone’s life when they seek something different – either in their career, their sex life, or their social life. If the partner is not in tune with the change in plan, this can result in conflict and to divorce.
There are literally hundreds of causes of divorce, but the most frequent causes are those listed above. Sexuality is deep seeded in any relationship and we may not even realize its importance on our decision making and relationship success/failure.