Women Moving On After A Divorce: Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Have you ever met a woman that loved going through her divorce?
Neither have I.
Because going through a divorce brings up financial fears, feelings of isolation and can feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster.
But for women moving on after a divorce, meaning focusing on the next chapter in their life as positive, helps them not stay stuck in the yuck, so to speak.
For many women as they look back they realize that their divorce was the best thing that ever happened to them.
However, if you are newly divorced it is hard to believe that someday you may be thankful for your split.
The key is to keep putting one foot in front of the other as you begin to build your new life.
You want to discipline yourself to keep your focus on the present, not the past.
It’s like you’re at a fork in the road and it’s your choice to make the decision to move on or stay stuck in the past.
Which direction have you chosen?
What I know for sure is…
Women moving on after divorce most often find the ideal mate and are happier than they had ever been in the past.
That’s why they can look back on their failed marriage and be grateful it happened.
Now I must warn you there is a fine line between taking the time you need to heal and actually moving on and dating after a divorce.
It’s not a one size fits all answer.
There is no formula that says by this date you should be over you divorce.
Everyone is different and needs to do what is right for them.
Sadly, for some women they have so much resistance to what has happened to their life since their breakup that they stay stuck in that place of misery.
Of course it takes courage and motivation to get back out there and build a new life.
Change is never easy, but what is worse than change, is not to change.
Start with baby steps as you begin to feel your way through what may feel like a maze.
Sometimes in the early stages of discovering the new you, a women’s support group can give you the courage to take the first step toward a rewarding future.
If you are single mom, it is important that you take care of your health and well being so you can be there for your children.
Don’t isolate yourself, stay in touch with friends and find ways to meet new friends by getting involved with things you enjoy doing.
Yoga classes and meditation can help you through the tough times when you feel scared and out of balance with life.
Women moving on after divorce accept the fact that their life is not what it used to be.
They work on forgiveness and self love.
Guilt and blame will only keep you stuck and miserable, and who wants that?
Just think onward and upward and soon you’re life will unfold just the way you want it to.
Suzy Weiss